Alec MacRae’s talk
on the MacKays of Gairloch at the Piobaireachd
Society Conference, 1982, was important and
interesting. Reading it with the care it
deserves, I think I can expand on one or two
points : it may be worth doing so, not
that I have any first-hand traditional
We seem to have one tune firmly attributed to
John Roy MacKay - this is “MacKenzie of
Gairloch’s Salute” - and it seems that this is
his only recorded composition unless the
historical note on MacLeod of Raasay’s Salute”
in Angus MacKay’s book is correct - here the
tune is attributed to John Roy.
“MacKenzie of Gairloch’s Salute” is in A.
MacKay’s Manuscript and has been published (a
different setting) in Ceol Mor, and in Glen’s
Edinburgh Collection Part IV pp 4 - 5.
The structure of this tune resembles that of
other products of the Gairloch MacKays, such as
“The Desperate Battle of the Birds” Urlar, and
(probably) “Corrienessan's Lament”.
The idea that “MacLeod’s Short Tune” is an Iain
Dall “protest tune” against MacLeod is very
attractive - all the more so in view of its
alternative title “A Taunt on MacLeod” given by
both Angus MacKay and Duncan Campbell. It seems
certain, if we accept the title, that some
composer must have been impelled to lampoon
MacLeod : and this gives added force to W.
MacLean’s story (that it was composed by Iain
Dall in protest at the unkind way he was
received by MacLeod of Dunvegan). The Editorial
Note (Piob. Soc. p. 171) states that nothing is
known of the occasion of the taunt or of its
nature. This statement may now require
While I find it easy to agree with the
attribution of MacLeod’s Short Tune to lain Dall
MacKay, it is otherwise with “The Piper’s Salute
to his Master” and “The Piper’s Farewell to his
Home”. These tunes have many variations and in
that respect are quite unlike the tunes we
believe to be lain Dall compositions.
Despite the interest of parts of the Salute,
they are impractically long and I do not know of
anyone who plays either tune in its entirety.
The Salute is originally in Lamont’s Manuscript
and has been published in Ceol Mor and in Glen’s
Ancient Piobaireachd.
The Farewell, also in Lamont’s Manuscript, is
in Ceol Mor and (Urlar only) Glen’s Edinburgh
Collection. It has been surmised that both are
compositions of Lamont himself.
“Pronnadh nam Mial” - well, one tune suggestive
of this could be “The Hen’s March”. The
activities of one dealing with an infestation,
and of a hen harvesting the goodies to be found
on a midden, have a certain similarity. Another
tune whose content might suggest this title is
“The Blind Piper’s Obstinacy”.
I find it difficult to accept that “The Unjust
Incarceration” has any connection with “Pronnadh
nam Mial”. To commemorate such a trifling event
with such a terrific tune is like taking a
sledge-hammer to crack an egg.
Nowadays it is unusual, though not unknown, for
a composer to re-christen a tune :
publication fixes a name effectively. It seems
possible that in the era before pipe music was
published, a composer may well have re-named one
of his compositions when circumstances demanded
it. For example, you dedicate a Salute to a
friend with whom you subsequently fall out. Or
perchance you commemorate a flea-hunt in a
youthful extravaganza ; later on you may
consider this unseemly and you call the tune
something else.
Iain Dall MacKay is reputed to have been a
prolific composer of light music: there must be
other tunes of his composition apart from those
mentioned. Incidentally, “Cailleach Liath
Raasay” is a different tune from “Mrs MacLeod of
Raasay”, which I have seen attributed to him.
There are other tunes with a Raasay provenance:
one is a good reel called “The Smith of Raasay”
(Glen’s Edinburgh Collection Part 2, p.10).
These are a few random thoughts generated by
reading Alec MacRae’s extremely interesting talk
on the MacKays of Gairloch.
カンファレンスでの Alec MacRae
の MacKays of Gairloch
ている訳ではありませんが、1つか2つの点につい て、追加の説明ができると思います。
John Roy MacKay
の作とされる曲は1曲だけで、それは "MacKenzie of Gairloch's
Angus MacKay の楽譜集にある "MacLeod
of Raasay's Salute" の史料が正しければ、この曲は John Roy
"MacKenzie of Gairloch's Salute" は A. MacKay
のマニュスクリプトに書かれており、"Ceol Mor"(by Thomason)
や Glen の "Edinburgh
Collection Part IV" pp 4-5
この曲の構造は、Gairloch MacKays
の他の作品、例えば "The Desperate Battle of the
Birds" の Urlar や、(おそらく)"Corrienessan's
Lament" に類似しています。
"MacLeod's Short Tune" が Iain Dall の MacLeod に対する「抗議曲」であるとい
MacKay と Duncan
Campbell が "A Taunt on MacLeod"
という別のタイトルをつけていることから見ても、なおさらです。また、W. MacLean の話(Iain Dall が MacLeod of Dunvegan
PS Book6/
"MacLeod's Short Tune" を lain Dall MacKay に帰属させ
るのは簡単ですが、"The Piper's Salute to his Master"
と "The Piper's Farewell to his Home" はそ
うではないようです。これらの曲はバリエーションが多く、その点では、lain Dall の作曲と考える曲のははか
はもともと Lamont
のマニュスクリプトにあり、"Ceol Mor" と Glen の "Ancient
Piobaireachd" に掲載されています。
Farewell は同じく Lamont のマニュスクリプトにあり、"Ceol
Mor" と Glen
の "Edinburgh Collection"(Urlarのみ)に収録されてい
ます。どちらも Lamont
"Pronnadh nam Mial" は、"The Hen's
Blind Piper's Obstinacy"
"The Unjust Incarceration" が "Pronnadh
nam Mial"
Iain Dall MacKay
Liath Raasay" は、私が見たてた彼の作品である "Mrs
MacLeod of Raasay" とは別の曲です。 Raasay
に由来する曲は他にもあり、"The Smith of Raasay" (Glen's "Edinburgh
Collection Part 2", p.10) という良いリールがあります。
以上、Alec MacRae の MacKays of Gairloch